Passport Funding Changes

With people spending more time at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, MCSS has temporarily expanded the list of expenses that are eligible to be claimed through Passport funding. They have also stated that 25% of approved funding for 2020/2021 will be deposited in advance to help defray upfront costs. Key additional items include sensory items, hobby supplies, exercise equipment, technology, including subscriptions like Netflix, and personal protective equipment for caregivers.

yellow car on black asphalt road during daytime

The complete list of additions, available on the MCSS website includes:

1. Sensory Items

  • To support recipients who rely on sensory items to alleviate anxiety/stress and/or support any clinical or behavioural plans.
    • e.g. multi-sensory related products and technologies.

2. Technology

  • Provide program recipients the means and ability to stay safe, connected, and occupied and engaged at home, including virtual and online learning and skill development activities. Examples include but are not limited to:
    • Laptops and tablets;
    • Online educational and e-learning activities and resources;
    • Videogames and videogame systems;
    • Webcams and microphones;
    • Media service subscriptions and platforms (e.g. Netflix, Xbox Live, Disney+);
    • E-readers (e.g. Kindle or Kobo); and
    • Remote monitoring devices and medical alert services and devices (e.g. to support people living in Supportive Independent Living settings or independently).
  • The approval of technology will also support the virtual engagement of people with disabilities and connections for families, providing some relief from caregiving requirements and alleviating some of the impacts of physical distancing.

3. Activities and items to support home-based recreation and fitness activities that would otherwise be accessed through day programs and other community-based programs:

  • Supplies to support home-based hobbies and activities. Some examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Arts and craft supplies;
    • Hobby supplies;
    • Puzzles and games; and
    • Books for leisure/learning.
  • Supplies to support home-based physical activity and fitness. This may include but is not limited to:
    • Indoor items and equipment (e.g. skipping rope, yoga mat, resistance bands); and
    • fitness/sport equipment and supplies that may be used on the individual’s property (e.g. basketball net, trampoline, frisbee, badminton set)

4. Personal Protective Equipment and Supplies, When Available

  • This is intended to enableprogram recipients and their support workers to be supported more safely at home or as required, in the community, which may be of heightened importance to adults who are immunocompromised:
    • Gloves;
    • Masks;
    • Gowns;
    • Cleaning supplies (disinfectant wipes, sprays, and hand sanitizer); and
    • Goggles and face shields.

5. Essential Service Delivery Fees

  • Recipients and their families may be unable to easily leave their homes for groceries and pharmacy needs. To support households in this situation, delivery/service fees associated with the delivery of groceries or medication are deemed a temporary eligible expenditure.
  • Service delivery fees for essential items such as groceries and medication will be an admissible expense. (Note: this does not include the food and/or medication costs, just the service fee for delivery).
    • e.g. Instacart by Loblaws, pharmacy deliveries

6. Behavioural Support Plans and Related Interventions

  • Development of behavioural support plans and recommended interventions (delivered in person or remotely/virtually) and/or support strategies to reduce challenging behaviours or potential crisis situations intended to assist families to more safely support their family member at home.
    • Note: This does not include physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.

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