The Passport program provides funding to help Ontario adults 18 or older with a developmental disability to participate in their communities.  It also provides funding for paid respite, providing a break to primary caregivers.  

What is the purpose of the Passport Program? 
This program, funding by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, is intended to provide adults with developmental disabilities with the services and supports necessary to:

-take part in community classes or recreational programs
-develop work, volunteer, and daily life skills
-hire a support worker
-create their own life plans to reach their goals
-get temporary respite for their  caregivers

MCSS Website

Who is eligible? 
This program is for adults who are 18 years or older, have a developmental disability, and either require community integration support while still in school, or who have left school, and are living on their own, with family, or in a supported independent living arrangement.

How can I apply?
Passport funding is managed by Developmental Services Ontario.  To apply, contact your local Passport Agency.

How much will I receive?
Passport funding is determined by an algorithm that considers a variety of factors, such as living situation, communication, behavioural, medical, and safety needs, as well as any factors affecting the primary unpaid caregiver, such as a medical condition or other children with disabilities.  This determines both the amount approved, as well as the prioritisation of the individual to receive funding beyond the minimum.  The minimum automatically provided for eligible adults is $5000 per year.  The maximum is currently $25000 for community participation supports and $10000 for respite. 

What can the funding be used for? 
Eligible spending is outlined by the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (SIPDDA).  From the MCSS website, these include services and supports that:

  • assist  with social and recreational activities, work activities, volunteer activities
  • assist with personal hygiene, dressing, grooming, meal preparation, administration of medication, and includes training related to money management, banking, using public transportation and other life skills
  • provide temporary relief to the primary caregiver (respite)
  • assist the individual in finding their life vision and goals, and work towards meeting those goals

The uses for passport funding are very broad, and include fees for camps, classes, athletic activities, job coaching, transportation to and from activities, hiring a support worker, and paying for support worker admissions/travel/meals while they are working.  Up to $2500 can be used towards person-directed-planning services and supports.  Up to 10% of annual funding can be used to cover administrative costs, such as payroll, scheduling, and bank fees.

For more information on using this funding, see this guide published by MCSS, or contact your local Passport Agency.