The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is provides help with living expenses to adults with disabilities.
What does ODSP include?
The Ontario Disability Support Program has two components:
1)Income support, providing financial assistance to help meet basic needs, such as food and shelter. It also provides health care benefits to the recipient and their dependants, such prescription drug coverage, vision care, and dental care.
2) Employment supports, helping adults with disabilities to find work and advance their careers.
If you have significant medical supply costs and/or medical transportation requirements, you can also apply for the Mandatory Special Necessities Benefit once approved for ODSP. This can include funding support for diabetic supplies, surgical supplies and dressings, incontinence supplies, and ostomy supplies. Funding for ostomy supplies will be for costs above and beyond the $1300 provided by the Assistive Devices Program.

Who is eligible?
To qualify for ODSP income support, you must:
MCSS Website
be at least 18 years old
be an Ontario resident
be in financial need and
meet the program’s definition of a person with a disability, or be a member of a Prescribed Class
If an individual has been approved for services and supports through Developmental Services Ontario, they are considered members of the prescribed class, and do not have to provide further documentation of their disability. The prescribed class list is extensive and specific, and also includes members of various legal settlements, residents of some mental health treatment facilities, and previous residents of the former Regional Centres.
Financial need will be determined by your ODSP caseworker, who will look at the cost of running your household in comparison to your income and assets. If you are already in receipt of Ontario Works, your financial need is considered to already have been established.
If you are not a member of a prescribed class, you must provide documentation supporting that you have a disability meeting the program’s definitions.
Meeting the definition means that:
-you have a substantial mental or physical impairment that is continuous or recurrent, and is expected to last one year or more and
-your impairment directly results in a substantial restriction in your ability to work, care for yourself, or take part in community life and
-your impairment, its duration and restrictions have been verified by an approved health care professionalYour caseworker will give you a Disability Determination Package for you and your health care provider(s) to fill out.
MCSS Website
You can view a copy of the Disability Determination Package (though you need to use the original form given to you by your caseworker) here.

How do I apply?
You can start the application process either online, by phone or in person.
Online, use the Online Application for Social Assistance.
By phone or in person, call or visit your local ODSP office.Once you’ve started the process, a caseworker will contact you within five days to schedule an in-person meeting.
You will be asked to bring specific documents to the meeting, so that the caseworker can verify:
MCSS Website
your personal information
information about members of your household
your household’s housing costs and other shelter-related costs
your household’s income and assets
Please review the list of documents you will need.