Policy/Program Memoranda (PPMs) outline specific standards and legislation relating to education in Ontario.   The following PPMs include material relating to special education, and can be used to help advocate for support and disability-specific programming in your child’s IEP.

PPM 8: Identification of and Program Planning for Students with Learning Disabilities (2014)
This includes the definition of a learning disability according to the Ministry of Education, an imperative for early screening and assessment, and a discussion of appropriate instructional approaches and teaching strategies.

PPM 76C: Alternative Educational Programs and Services for Deaf, Blind, and Deaf-Blind Exceptional Pupils (1991) 
This includes guidelines for the provision of programming for students who are Deaf, blind, and deafblind.  Important highlights include minimum time frames for direct instruction by qualified specialist teachers, as well as the imperative that deaf-blind pupils will be supported by an intervener for 100% of their school day.

PPM 89: The Residential Demonstration Schools for Students with Learning Disabilities: General Information and Details of the Referral Process (1990) 
This PPM outlines the needs of students who would benefit from the residential programs at Ontario’s Demonstration Schools, and documents the admissions process.

PPM 140:  Incorporating Methods of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) into Programs for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (2007) 
This PPM provides direction to school boards with regards to the incorporation of ABA methods for students with ASD.  Important highlights include the necessity of program individualization, the use of positive reinforcement, and the collection of data.

PPM 156:  Supporting Transitions for Students with Special Education Needs (2013) 
This PPM directs school boards to complete a transition plan, identifying any necessary supports, for any student with an IEP (except those identified exception solely on the basis of giftedness).  This includes transitions between schools, grades, and programs.